title = "Potatoes and biotechnology : technological development and social acceptance in the Netherlands",
keywords = "genetische modificatie, recombinant dna, solanum tuberosum, aardappelen, samenleving, gemeenschappen, landbouwbeleid, groene revolutie, economie, overheidsbeleid, agrarisch recht, beleid, consumenten, consumentenaangelegenheden, Nederland, genetic engineering, recombinant dna, solanum tuberosum, potatoes, society, communities, agricultural policy, green revolution, economics, government policy, agricultural law, policy, consumers, consumer affairs, Netherlands",
author = "W.J. Bijman",
year = "1994",
language = "English",
isbn = "9789052422510",
series = "Publication / Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI-DLO), General Economics and Statistics Division",
publisher = "LEI",
number = "1.28",
address = "Netherlands",