Potato-zoning: A decision support system on expanding the potato industry through agro-ecological zoning using the LINTUL simulation approach

A.J. Haverkort, A. Verhagen, C. Grashoff, P.W.J. Uithol

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review


    POTATO-ZONING detects and describes agro-ecosystems suitable for potato. It is of use
    for the rapidly expanding potato processing industry and for potato research and
    development projects. It answers questions such as: Where can potatoes be grown?
    What is the expected length of the growing season? What yields are expected with and
    without irrigation? What are the risks of drought and night frosts? What is the quality
    (dry matter concentration and tuber size distribution) going to be? And what happens
    to yields if potatoes are bred with increased tolerance of night frost or heat?
    POTATO-ZONING is based on the crop growth model LINTUL (Light Interception and
    Utilization of Light) that calculates dry matter production and yields based on data
    on temperature, solar radiation and water availability. Using a global weather set
    containing 30-year average weather in a 30 x 30 arc minutes pixel grid, POTATOZONING calculates potential and water limited yields for whole continents and allows
    a quick scan of where irrigation may increase yields and whether potato producing
    areas are near populated areas. Zooming in on regions and using a soil data set with
    a 5 x 5 arc minutes pixel grid POTATO-ZONING calculates regional trends in quality
    aspects and the benefits of increased tolerance of climatic hazards.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationDecision support systems in potato production: bringing models to practice
    Place of PublicationWageningen
    PublisherWageningen Academic Publishers
    ISBN (Print)9789076998305
    Publication statusPublished - 2004


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