Postdispersal seed predation and seed viability in forest soils: implications for the regeneration of tree species in Ethiopian church forests

A. Wassie Eshete, T. Bekele, F.J. Sterck, D. Teketay, F. Bongers

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

6 Citations (Scopus)


Almost all dry Afromontane forests of Northern Ethiopia have been converted to agricultural, grazing or scrub lands except for small fragments left around churches ('Church forests'). Species regeneration in these forests is limited. We investigated (i) how intense postdispersal seed predation was in church forest, and if this seed predation varied with species and/or habitat, and (ii) for how long tree seeds maintained their viability while buried in forest soil. In the seed predation experiment, we monitored seeds of six tree species in four habitats for a period of 14 weeks (the peak seeding season). In the seed viability experiment, we assessed seed viability of five species in four habitats after being buried 6, 12, or 18 months. Ninety-two percent of the tree seeds were predated within 3.5 months. Predation was mainly dependent on species whereas habitat had a weaker effect. Seed viability decreased sharply with burial time in soil for all species except for Juniperus. To minimize seed availability limitation for regeneration of such species in the forest, the standing vegetation needs to be persistently managed and conserved for a continuous seed rain supply. Additional seed sowing, and seed and seedling protection (by e.g. animal exclosures) may increase successful regeneration of important species in these forests
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)461-471
JournalAfrican Journal of Ecology
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2010


  • europaea ssp-cuspidata
  • tropical rain-forest
  • germination ecology
  • northern ethiopia
  • prunus-africana
  • fragments
  • distance
  • rodents
  • edge
  • microhabitat


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