Polyclonal antisera to distinguish strains and form variants of Photorhabdus luminescens (Xenorhabdus luminescens)

L.J.M. Gerritsen, J.M. van der Wolf, J.W.L. van Vuurde, R.U. Ehlers, K.C. Krasomil-Osterfeld, P.H. Smits

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    5 Citations (Scopus)


    In this study antisera against Photorhabdus luminescens strains were prepared for the first time. P. luminescens is a bacterial symbiont of entomopathogenic nematodes belonging to the genus Heterorhabditis. To characterize P. luminescens strains and form variants, we produced polyclonal antisera against P. luminescens PE (obtained from nematode strain NLH-E87.3) and against the primary and secondary forms of P. luminescens PSH (obtained from nematode strain DH-SH1). In double-diffusion tests all form variants of strain PE reacted with the antiserum against the primary form, but each variant produced a different diffusion pattern. The primary and secondary forms of strain PSH were also serologically different. Antiserum 9226 reacted with almost all P. luminescens strains tested, but it reacted differently with each strain in the double-diffusion test, showing that the strains were serologically different. The specificity of the antisera was increased by cross-absorption. After cross-absorption the antiserum against the strain PSH primary or secondary form was specific for that form and did not react with the other form. Using the cross-absorbed antisera in immunofluorescence cell-staining tests, we could distinguish primary and secondary form cells in a mixed strain PSH culture
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)284-289
    JournalApplied and Environmental Microbiology
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 1995


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