PNIPA-WUR IV Febrero 2019 : taller profundizacion y activacion de agendas y de redes de innovacion - Lima, taller aplicacion en la cadena de valor Paiche-Tarapoto

Herman Snel, Laurens Klerxk, Jan Brouwers

    Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


    The first week of PNIPA-WUR IV, organized between the 11th and the 15th of February, 2019, WUR staff helped the PNIPA team to redesign the Rapid Appraisal of Agricultural Innovation System (RAAIS) methodology and apply it to activate innovation networks. In addition, assistance was provided for preparing the October 2019 symposium, introducing the MSP guide and selecting tools, starting the PNIPA partnership component for professional education in the P&A sector and general advise and coaching for the program.The second week of PNIPA-WUR IV, organized between the 18th and the 22nd of February, 2019, consisted of two interlocked components. During the first part of the week a core team of PNIPA prepared to run an innovation network workshop with key stakeholders and actors of the Paiche valuechain in the Department of San Martin. A methodological tool, consisting of RAAIS and MSP elements, was tailored to PNIPA needs. PNIPA experts were trained in the methodology and facilitation skillsrequired to run the workshop. During the second part of the week the PNIPA team ran the workshopwith more than 20 stakeholders, representing different segments of the Paiche sector in San Martin. As a result of the workshop, key actors in the Paiche sector committed themselves to be part of aninnovation network with clearly defined work plans and activities. The continuous reflexive evaluationof the PNIPA team has generated a tailored approach to run an innovation network workshop that supports actors in a particular value chain or sector to plan strategic activities geared to tackle the critical constraints that are limiting the development of the sector a particular area. The methodologysupports the emergence of networks of actors working together to innovate, strengthen and develop aparticular sector or priority domain.
    Original languageSpanish
    Place of PublicationWageningen
    PublisherWageningen Centre for Development Innovation
    Number of pages63
    Publication statusPublished - 2019

    Publication series

    NameRapport / Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation

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