Plasticity in plant mating systems

Hanneke A.C. Suijkerbuijk*, Sergio E. Ramos, Erik H. Poelman

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Research output: Contribution to journalLiterature reviewpeer-review


Many plants are extremely plastic in their vegetative and life-history traits, allowing them to deal with a variety of environmental conditions during their lifetime. However, in our understanding of plant reproduction, plasticity in mating system is not broadly considered. Even though mating system shifts are well studied on an evolutionary timescale, we show that many traits affecting plant mating system also show plasticity within an ecological timeframe. This plasticity in reproduction can be found in prepollination, in interactions with pollinators, and in various postpollination processes. We bring together molecular and ecological work on plant reproduction and guide future research on mating systems to embrace trait plasticity and context dependency of mating strategies.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages13
JournalTrends in Plant Science
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 18 Nov 2024


  • fitness
  • induced response
  • mating system
  • plasticity
  • pollination
  • reproduction


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