Plantmonitoring op basis van fotosynthese sensoren: Praktijktesten in de teelt van tomaat en gerbera

Elias Kaiser, Esteban Baeza Romero, Esther Meinen, Marcel Raaphorst, Frank Kempkes, Anne Elings, Sander Pot, Vincent Jalink, Jan Voogt, Anja Dieleman

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


Wageningen University & Research, Business Unit Glastuinbouw has investigated two methods of monitoring crop photosynthesis that might be used in greenhouse horticulture: the crop photosynthesis monitor and the CropObserver. This project was funded by ‘Kas als Energiebron’ and executed together with PhenoVation and PlantDynamics. The data of the crop photosynthesis monitor were compared to those of the photosynthesis module of the crop growth model INTKAM. Furthermore, the pattern of stomatal opening during the day was calculated with the Stomata sensor. Measurements showed that the crop photosynthesis monitor was too sensitive to changes in window opening and in CO2 supply to determine the crop photosynthesis accurately. The CropObserver was useful in determining the relative light use efficiency of the crop. The best methods to accurately and reliably determine crop photosynthesis might be the following: 1. By a photosynthesis model (as in INTKAM) to calculate the crop photosynthesis, coupled to a sensor that monitors the crop status to register when the performance of the crop deviates from what might be expected, or 2. Via the CropObserver to which a module is added that determines the stomatal conductance and a measurement of the CO2 concentration which is necessary to translate the signal of the CropObserver to CO2 uptake by the crop
Original languageDutch
Place of PublicationBleiswijk
PublisherWageningen Plant Research
Number of pages46
Publication statusPublished - 2017

Publication series

NameWageningen Plant Research rapport

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