Plan's CCCD approach - Country study PLAN-Bangladesh

    Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


    PLAN Netherlands National Organisation has in coordination with PLAN International Headquarters commissioned an independent formative evaluation study to get systematic insight in the preconditions for appropriate functionality of Child Centred Community Development (CCCD) and to strengthen common understanding on CCCD. To review the general findings of the study (presented in the synthesis report), which are based on an extensive literature review of the materials available within Plan and within other organisations on child centred development and consultations with CCCD champions at various organisational levels within Plan, country studies were carried out in Kenya and Bangladesh. This report presents the findings of the country study in Bangladesh and forms an integral part of the synthesis report. Perspectives on CCCD and CCCD practise were looked at from four interrelated levels: Plan Bangladesh’s Country Office (exploring overall strategic outlook); one urban and one rural Programme Unit (looking at application of CCCD strategies in their particular settings); Plan partners (level of understanding and role of both NGO and government partners in developing and implementing CCCD, and; beneficiaries (CCCD practise and focus on understanding and effect of CCCD. Findings are based on a review of Plan Bangladesh documents, groupwork, semi structured interviews and key informant interviews of Plan and partner staff at various organisational levels as well as field visits and discussions with CBOs and project beneficiaries. The findings are of a general nature and to some degree dependent on the sites visited and people met as a full depth analysis of CCCD would require more time of CCCD would require more time than the weeklong visit to Bangladesh allowed for.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationWageningen
    PublisherCentre for Development Innovation
    Number of pages63
    Publication statusPublished - 2009


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