Planning for metropolitan landscapes: an assessment of Dutch regional land policy and development strategies

F.M. van Straalen, L. Janssen-Jansen, A. van den Brink

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


Over the past decade the Dutch regional governments, i.e. the provinces have become more actively involved in land development. Some more than others have abandoned their more traditional reflexive role, adopting land policies, acquiring land themselves or installing provincial land banks. The 2008 Dutch Spatial Planning Law, supplemented by a Land Development Act and changes in the Expropriation Law has amplified this process. Zoning and land policy instruments have been introduced to strengthen provincial planning initiatives with the aim to improve regional planning processes. The idea behind the increased regional land policy and development tools is to improve the planning and implementation of comprehensive, cross-municipal border developments. In these regional developments the provinces are responsible for the realization of the Ecological Zones, land use in rural areas, provincial roads and larger industrial parks. This paper will address the question to what extent the regional land instruments are used and whether or not their use improves regional developments. Based on (policy) document analysis and interviews with key informants of regional planning and development processes, we will analyse the land policies of the Dutch provinces in regional planning processes and the way these policies are used in regional planning projects. Canvassing the differences in approaches, and the underlying reasons will help us to understand the rationalities for adopting land policies at a regional level. Three cases will be used as illustration to show how provinces implemented land policy and development instruments. The paper will end with an assessment of the use of provincial land policy and development in the Netherlands. The result so this paper will increase planners’ understanding of the way land policy and development instruments influenceplanning practices on a regional level
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2011
Event5th International Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada -
Duration: 25 Nov 201128 Nov 2011


Conference/symposium5th International Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


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