title = "Performance of milk collection centres in Ethiopia : Assessment of the operation of milk collection centres in the central highlands of Ethiopia (Akaki, Asela, Chancho and Holeta)",
abstract = "Using interviews and visual observations, this report describes various aspects of the performance of milk collection centers in four different areas of Ethiopia. Characteristics of suppliers, the collection process, hygienic measures and administration of the centers are described, differentiating between peri-urban and rural areas. A limited numbers of farms was visited to carry out visual observation of the milking.",
keywords = "melkveehouderij, melkvee, zuivelcentrales, ethiopi{\"e}, dairy farming, dairy cattle, milk marketing boards, ethiopia",
author = "A.G. Vernooij and A. Pronker and T. Leegwater",
year = "2010",
language = "English",
series = "Report / Wageningen UR Livestock Research",
publisher = "Wageningen UR Livestock Research",
number = "339",
address = "Netherlands",