Passing bays for slow moving vehicles on rural two-lane roads

C.F. Jaarsma, H. Botma, R. Beunen

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Slow-moving vehicles, including agricultural vehicles, on arterial highways can cause serious delays to other traffic as well as posing an extra safety risk. This paper elaborates on a small-scale solution for these problems: the passing bay. It investigates the impacts of a passing bay on the total delay for other motorized vehicles, the number of passing manoeuvres and hindered vehicles, and the mean delay per hindered vehicle. The latter is also considered to be an indicator for traffic safety. The calculations are performed for two characteristic trips with a slow-moving vehicle. The passing bay is an effective solution to reducing delays on arterial highways when two-way hourly volumes exceed 600¿1000 vehicles. The effects depend on the trip length and speed of the slow-moving vehicle, and on the passing sight distance limitations of the road. A distance of 2¿4?km between the passing bays seems an acceptable compromise between the reduction of delay for other motorized vehicles and the extra discomfort and delay for drivers of slow-moving vehicles. This result also shows that passing bays are not effective in regions where slow-moving vehicles mainly make trips shorter than this distance
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)491-509
JournalTransport Reviews
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2005


  • highways


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