title = "OYSTERECOVER: The Efficiency of Different Types of Oyster Spat Collectors for Ostrea edulis",
abstract = "The aim of this task is to potentially identify a way to develop more efficient spat collecting techniques that may compensate for the lower survival rate of the oysters caused by the Bonamia ostreae parasite. As part of the project a review of the efficiency of different spat collectors was conducted with the intention of recommending three collector types to be tested in the field. The aim of this task is to potentially identify a way to develop more efficient spat collecting techniques that may compensate for the lower survival rate of the oysters caused by the Bonamia ostreae parasite.",
keywords = "mariene biologie, oesterschelpen, voortplanting, parasieten, marine biology, oyster shells, reproduction, parasites",
author = "{van den Brink}, A.M.",
year = "2012",
language = "English",
series = "Report / IMARES Wageningen UR",
publisher = "IMARES",
number = "C095/12",
address = "Netherlands",