Overzicht van kritische depositiewaarden voor stikstof, toegepast op habitattypen en leefgebieden van Natura 2000: Herziening 2023

Wieger Wamelink, Han van Dobben, Friso van der Zee, Arjen van Hinsberg, Roland Bobbink

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


In 2022 the empirical critical loads for nitrogen deposition for vegetation types were updated under auspices of the UNECE. Consequently, the Dutch critical loads (CL) for (sub) habitat types and nitrogen deposition sensitive habitats were updated as well following the method applied in 2012. For 84 habitat types and 14 habitats CL were estimated, with an average decrease in CL from 19.0 till 17.7 kg N/ha/yr. For 64 types the CL remained unchanged, for 32 it went down and 2 it went up
Original languageDutch
Place of PublicationWageningen
PublisherWageningen Environmental Research
Number of pages61
ISBN (Electronic)9789464477573
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2023

Publication series

NameRapport / Wageningen Environmental Research
ISSN (Print)1566-7197

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