Opheusden als boomteeltcentrum

J. Doorenbos

Research output: Thesisinternal PhD, WU


The district, its social structure, its development, technical and economic aspects of Opheusden as a tree-growing centre were. discussed. The earliest information on tree growing at Opheusden was from 1656. It had always formed part of the mixed holding. Large-scale nurseries of the type found in the rest of the Netherlands never developed in Opheusden. Through the particular structure of farming and the social relationships of the community, tree growing lagged behind for a long time in Opheusden and only adapted itself with difficulty to market requirements. This difficulty was also associated with the limited variety of culture possible on the clay soil. Until 1932 times had frequently been prosperous, while the independence of the holdings made the farmers less vulnerable to set-backs. After the Second World War, in which the village had been almost entirely destroyed, a healthy spirit of enterprise had grown up among the villagers, so that the future could be viewed with optimism. This enterprise was visible in the effort put into reconstruction, in the activeness of the local association of tree-growers, the high membership of the Dutch General Inspection Service for Field Crops and the greater desire for technical education.

Original languageDutch
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
Awarding Institution
  • Hofstee, E.W., Promotor
Award date14 Jun 1950
Place of PublicationAssen
Publication statusPublished - 14 Jun 1950


  • ornamental woody plants
  • nurseries
  • agricultural history
  • betuwe
  • gelderland

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