title = "Observations on the digestion and absorption of food along the gastrointestinal tract of fistulated cows",
keywords = "bovidae, rundvee, spijsvertering, zo{\"o}logie, bovidae, cattle, digestion, zoology",
author = "{van 't Klooster}, A.T. and P.A.M. Rogers and B.D.E. Gaillard",
note = "Bevat: 1: The rate of flow of digesta and the net absorption of dry matter, organic matter, ash, nitrogen and water / A.Th. van 't Klooster and P.A.M. Rogers. - 2: The digestion of the cell-wall constituents of roughages / Blanche D.E. Gaillard and A.Th. van 't Klooster. - 3: The fate of Na, K, Ca, Mg, and P in the digesta / P.A.M. Rogers and A.Th. van 't Klooster",
year = "1969",
language = "English",
series = "Mededelingen / Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen",
publisher = "Veenman",
number = "69-11",
address = "Netherlands",