title = "Objectives of the WASP-3 project and outline of the EcoWasp ecosystem model",
abstract = "In 1990 the Wadden Sea Project (WASP) started, as a cooperation between twelve Danish, Dutch and German institutes and partly financed by the European Committee in the context of the Marine Science and Technology Program (MAST). The aim is to develop physical and ecological models capable to simulate Wadden Sea key processes, and to perform necessary research. By the end of 1992, the project has to be finished.",
keywords = "biocenose, biologische technieken, computersimulatie, hydrobiologie, modellen, onderzoek, simulatie, simulatiemodellen, waterkwaliteit, aquatische ecosystemen, biologische monitoring, waddenzee, biocoenosis, biological techniques, computer simulation, hydrobiology, models, research, simulation, simulation models, water quality, aquatic ecosystems, biomonitoring, wadden sea",
author = "A.G. Brinkman and {van Raaphorst}, W. and P. Ruardij",
year = "1991",
language = "English",
series = "Internal report / Institute for Forestry and Nature Research - DLO",
publisher = "IBN-DLO",
number = "91/36",
address = "Netherlands",