Nutritious pond: enhancing protein use efficiency in aquaculture systems

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review


Globally, aquaculture is one of the fastest growing animal protein sources. Not only will it continue to grow throughout the next decade, it will also increase its relative contribution to the human food system (Naylor et al., 2021). This growth will mainly be achieved from inland ponds as aquaculture production at sea faces limitations. However, conventional intensification of inland aquaculture will continue to exert pressure on the environment from land use competition, energy use, effluent discharge, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Therefore, the challenge is to enable growth of the aquaculture sector while still producing within planetary boundaries. Recent advances in feed formulation and technology, however, permit the recycling of agricultural and animal wastes through aquaculture. Natural production using the nutritious pond (NP) concept turns waste nutrients into aquafeed ingredients, raises protein use efficiency, and increases in-situ reuse and upgrading of waste nutrients. This chapter describes the underlying biological concepts and application strategies of the NP concept.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationOur future proteins
Subtitle of host publicationA diversity of perspectives
EditorsS. Pyett, W. Jenkins, B. van Mierlo, L.M. Trindade, D. Welch, H. van Zanten
Place of PublicationAmsterdam
PublisherVU University Press
ISBN (Print)9789086598830, 9789086598823
Publication statusPublished - 2023


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