title = "NuswaLite; Manual version 3.0",
abstract = "This report describes the input, execution and output of the NUSWALITE model, which simulates nutrient concentrations in surface waters. Example filkes are included of the application of the NUSWALITE model to Vansjo-Hobol catchment. A detailed description of the concepts behind the model is provided by the process description (Siderius, 2008)",
keywords = "watersystemen, hydrologie van stroomgebieden, waterverontreiniging, nitraten, mest, modellen, water systems, catchment hydrology, water pollution, nitrates, manures, models",
author = "M.H.J.L. Jeuken and {van Gerven}, L.P.A.",
year = "2011",
language = "English",
series = "Alterra-report",
publisher = "Alterra",
number = "1226.4",
address = "Netherlands",