Novel APplications for Polybutylene Succinate

Lawrence Theunissen, Alan Koning, Arjan Speklé, K. Molenveld

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterAcademic


Polybutylene succinate (PBS) is a relatively new polymer, with interesting features that are attractive for a broad range of applications. At present PBS is (predominantly) produced from petrochemical sources. It is mainly applied in areas where biodegradability is an advantage like in packaging (films and boxes) and agriculture (mulch films). The development and expansion of the production capacity of bio-based succinic acid allows the production of (50%) bio-based PBS already today, and production of 100% bio-based PBS is feasible with a further transition to bio-based butanediol. Additionally, with technology maturing further and production scales increasing the price of PBS will steadily decrease over the coming years.
Original languageDutch
Publication statusPublished - 2016
EventBPM Symposium 2016 - Wageningen, Netherlands
Duration: 15 Jun 201616 Jun 2016


Conference/symposiumBPM Symposium 2016

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