New perspectives for urbanizing deltas: a complex adaptive systems approach to planning and design : Integrated Planning and Design in the Delta (IPDD)

Han Meyer (Editor), A.K. Bregt, Ed Dammers (Editor), Jurian Edelbos (Editor), Job van den Berg, Gert Jan van den Born, R. Broesi, A. van Buuren, Leo van den Burg, Mike Duijn, Gepke Heun, M. Marchand, D. Neumann, L. Nieuwenhuijze, S. Nijhuis, B. Pel, L. Pols, Michiel Pouderoijen, Bart Rijken, Gerda RoeleveldJitske Verkerk, M. Warmerdam

Research output: Book/ReportReportAcademic


The delta region between Rotterdam and Antwerp is a prime example of an area where spatial developments face increasing complexity. Local initiatives for developing urban expansions, recreation areas, nature and industrial complexes must harmonize with measures such as adequate flood protection, sufficient freshwater supply, restoration of ecosystems and large-scale infrastructure over the long term. This complexity demans a new approach to spatial planning and design. This book is the result of a research project that aimed to develop such a new planning practice. The research was carried out in collaboration by a consortium of universities, centres of expertise, and engineering and design firms. The research conceived of the Southwest Delta of the Netherlands as a laboratory for the new approach, which has nonetheless also proven relevant to other regions dealing with a similar level of complexity.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationAmsterdam
PublisherMUST Publishers
Number of pages233
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • deltas
  • urbanization
  • regional planning
  • physical planning
  • integrated spatial planning policy
  • south-west netherlands
  • urban development
  • water management


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