Natuur in de benen en tussen de oren; Over de effecten van sociale stimulansen op de uitvoering en kwaliteit van agrarisch natuurbeheer

H. Leneman, J. Groten, H.C.M. de Bakker, M.W.M. van der Elst-van der Lans

    Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


    This research project links social incentives and nature and landscape conservation activities by farmers. Social incentives are described, as well as their effect on the implementation and the quality of activities to conserve nature and landscape. This information leads to the identification of options for the National government to support these social incentives.
    Original languageDutch
    Place of PublicationDEN HAAG
    Number of pages54
    ISBN (Print)9789086150748
    Publication statusPublished - 2006

    Publication series

    NameRapport / LEI : Domein 7, Gamma, instituties, mens en beleving


    • nature conservation
    • landscape conservation
    • incentives
    • motivation
    • farmers
    • government policy
    • sociology
    • netherlands
    • agri-environment schemes

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