Natural product Value Chain (VC) Development: List of Natural Products commercialized in Cabo Verde: Building Adaptive Capacity and Resilience of the Forestry Sector in Cabo Verde: Reforço da Capacidade de Adaptação e Resiliência no Sector Florestal em Cabo Verde: REFLOR-CV

Research output: Book/ReportReportAcademic


This annex to the report on Natural Product value chains is part of the REFLOR-CV project. It supports the FAO project by investigating first which natural product and non-timber forest products (NTFPs ) are commercialised and form value chains in Cabo Verde. Secondly how natural products can contribute to build the adaptive capacity and resilience of the forestry sector in Cabo Verde and create livelihood improvement opportunities for the benefit of local people. The list was compiled based on a review of literature (FAO project documents, grey literature, databases, maps and academic literature) on species used, their environmental, cultural and use values and sustainability issues; a survey with nine Community forest Associations; visits to 16 sites in February and October 2021 in Santiago, Fogo and Boa Vista islands and 33 interviews and meetings to map where products are harvested and grown; eleven market and retail shop visits, observations and photos to understand where, how and when NPs are sold on Cabo Verde. Meetings with FAO staff and stakeholders such as INIDA and Uni-CV provided additional data.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages26
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2021


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