Natural epigenetic variation in apomictic dandelion lineages

V. Preite, W.H. van der Putten, K.J.F. Verhoeven

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterProfessional


Apomictic dandelions provide a good system to study epigenetic variations that occur in natural populations. These dandelions reproduce with a type of asexual system where the egg cell develops to an embryo in a seed without any fertilization. This means that we can study the epigenetic variation independent from genetic variation because the seeds are a perfect copy of the mother plant. Widespread apomictic lineages lack in genetic variation but are still excellent colonizers of novel habitats. The adaptive potential of these apomicts may partially rely on compensatory mechanisms generating heritable variation, such as increased transposon activity or somatic recombination. An additional mechanism could be epigenetic variation. This assumption is based on our observation that genome wide heritable DNA-methylation variation is readily generated within apomictic dandelion lineages, especially in response to environmental stresses.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2012
EventCSH-Asia Meeting: Plant Epigenetics, Stress and Evolution -
Duration: 28 Oct 20122 Nov 2012


ConferenceCSH-Asia Meeting: Plant Epigenetics, Stress and Evolution


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