Native Code Generation as a Service

Akhan Akbulut*, Cagatay Catal, Emre Karadeniz, Emre Turgut

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


With the widespread use of mobile applications in daily life, it has become crucial for enterprisesoftware companies to quickly develop these applications for multiple platforms. Cross-platformmobile application development is one of the most adopted solutions for rapid development.Since most of these solutions do not generate native code for the underlying platform, theartefacts generally do not satisfy the requirements de¯ned at the beginning of the project. Thisstudy designed and implemented a native code generation framework called Nativator built as acloud service. The framework, which is capable of producing native code for iOS and Androidplatforms using web-based user interfaces, was implemented based on an open source compilerplatform called \Roslyn". Four case studies were performed to analyze the execution performanceof the applications built with the proposed framework. The experimental results demonstratedthat the execution performance of the applications built with Nativator is comparablewith the applications generated via the state-of-the-art mobile application developmentframework called Xamarin. Because this framework was implemented as a cloud service, it has several advantages over traditional approaches such as access from anywhere, no installationand °exible and more resources from cloud infrastructure.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)263-284
JournalInternational Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering
Issue number02
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2019


  • cloud computing
  • code generation
  • Cross-platform framework
  • cross-platform mobile application development tool
  • Rosyln


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