Multiple interests across European coastal waters: the importance of a common language

J. Ramos*, K. Soma, Ø. Bergh, T. Schulze, A. Gimpel, V. Stelzenmuller, T. Mäkinen, F. Grati, G. Fabi, J. Gault

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

19 Citations (Scopus)


Different marine and coastal activities have diverse economic, environmental, and socio-cultural objectives, which can lead to conflict when these multidimensional activities coincide spatially or temporally. This is sometimes driven by a lack of understanding or other users’ needs and consequentially adequate planning and the utilization of acommonlanguage is essential. By using a transparent approach based on multi-criteria analysis, we characterize and establish priorities for future development/conservation for all users in the coastal area using six representative European Case Studies with different levels of complexity. Results varied according to location, but significantly it was found that stakeholders tended to favour ecological and social over economic objectives. This paper outlines the methodology employed, the results derived, and the potential for this approach to reduce conflict in coastal and marine waters. Keywords: case studies, coexist, conflict (reduction), European Coastal Zone, marine spatial planning, multi-criteria analysis, stakeholders.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)720-731
JournalICES Journal of Marine Science
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • multicriteria decision-analysis
  • natural-resource management
  • sea use management
  • stakeholder analysis
  • criteria analysis
  • marine
  • support
  • typology
  • land


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