Multifunctional assessment of nutrition sensitive landscapes

N. Mashingaidze, J.C.J. Groot, C. Termote, R.Y. Yang, R. Remans, G. Kennedy

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


The Nutrition-Sensitive Landscapes (NSL) approach focuses on building diversity into the landscape and food system to provide multiple sources of nutrients as well as other ecosystem services that are critical for environmental and population resilience. The NSL method offers proactive management towards more sustainable diets for vulnerable populations. Case studies are undertaken in Vihiga County (Kenya) and Son La province (Vietnam) to assess the interactions and interconnectivity in agricultural production, natural resource management (NRM) and nutrition diversity. In each country, two small landscapes were selected for a spatially explicit inventory of diet diversity and sufficiency in relation to farm productivity, market relations, ecological functions,
and the availability of food resources in the landscape. The case study landscapes are contrasting in natural resource availability, farming practices and/or dominant market orientation (subsistence or commercial). The current diet and nutrition, productivity and NRM are characterized and evaluated
through the use of AgroBioDiversity and IMPACT Lite survey tools at household level. The potential of new options for land-use and diet composition will be explored using the Landscape IMAGES model. Synergies and trade-offs between the functions in the landscape related to nutrition, productivity and NRM will be quantified. The outputs from this study will contribute to an increased
understanding of the system and can be used to inform discussions with stakeholders in the planning process of possible interventions to increase nutrition diversity, agricultural productivity and NRM in Humidtropics action sites.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2015
EventInternational Conference on Integrated Systems Research - IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria
Duration: 3 Mar 20156 Mar 2015


Conference/symposiumInternational Conference on Integrated Systems Research


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