Mosseltransitie en natuurherstel : sociaal-economische draagkracht en ontwikkelingen Nederlandse mosselsector, 2008-2017

J.A.E. van Oostenbrugge, N.A. Steins, A. Mol, S.R. Smith, M.N.W. Turenhout

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


With the signing of the mussel covenant, traditional bottom seed fishing has been partially replaced by the production of mussel seed in mussel seed capture installations (mosselzaadinvanginstallaties, MZIs) between 2008 and 2016. This study describes the developments in the mussel sector over this period and analyses the current economic situation of the sector and the economic consequences of the agreements in the covenant about the reduction in bottom seed fishing and the development of the MZIs
Original languageDutch
Place of PublicationWageningen
PublisherWageningen Economic Research
Number of pages79
ISBN (Electronic)9789463438629
Publication statusPublished - 2018

Publication series

NameWageningen Economic Research rapport

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