Morphological Embryo Development During Warming of Broiler Eggs from Storage to Incubation Temperature

A. Pennings*, H.J. Wijnen, C.W. van der Pol, J.A.M. Snijders, H. van den Brand

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


Between oviposition and the onset of incubation (eggshell temperature (EST) = 37.8°C), chicken embryo development is affected by various external factors. Especially temperature plays an important role, both during egg storage and during warming of the eggs from storage temperature to incubation temperature (‘pre-warming’). The rate and duration of pre-warming are expected to affect the rate of morphological embryo development, and consequently, total incubation duration. When eggs are exposed to a prolonged pre-warming period, with a slower rate of warming, embryos are allowed more time to develop already before the onset of incubation, which may shorten the incubation period itself. However, it is unknown how morphological embryo development is influenced by different pre-warming durations, and whether this interacts with egg storage duration. The objective of this study was to investigate morphological development during different pre-warming profiles and in the subsequent incubation period. A total of 14,400 Ross 308 eggs, originating from one single breeder flock (aged 37-45 weeks), were used in a 2x3 factorial experiment with four consecutive batches to study the effects of egg storage (4 and 14 days) and pre-warming (10, 24, and 144 hours). After storage, eggs were pre-warmed from storage temperature (±18°C EST) to 29.4°C EST in 5 hours for all treatments, and from 29.4°C to incubation temperature (37.8°C EST) within the remaining 5, 19, or 139 hours. After pre-warming, EST was maintained at 37.8°C throughout the remaining incubation period. Embryos (n = 630) were isolated using the filter ring technique (Gupta & Bakst, 1993) and staged (Eyal-Giladi & Kochav, 1976; Hamburger & Hamilton, 1951) on 5 time points: day of lay, after egg storage/just prior to the start of pre-warming, halfway through pre-warming, at the end of end of pre-warming, and 3 days after pre-warming. Embryo weight was measured every 3 days of incubation until transfer on day 18. To determine the hatch window, hatchability, and total incubation duration, all hatcher baskets were checked every 8 hours during the hatching phase for newly hatched chicks. The data still has to be analyzed, and results will be presented during the conference.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2024
Event49th IFRG Meeting - Limak Limra Hotel & Resort, Antalya, Turkey
Duration: 3 Oct 20244 Oct 2024


Conference/symposium49th IFRG Meeting


  • Embryo development
  • morphology
  • pre-warming
  • egg storage
  • incubation duration


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