title = "Monitoring integraal duurzame stallen: Peildatum 1 januari 2018",
abstract = "Sinds 2008 voert WUR in opdracht van het ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit (LNV) de monitor integraal duurzame stallen uit. De monitor laat zien dat op 1 januari 2018 in Nederland 15,0 % van alle rundvee-, varkens- en pluimveestallen integraal duurzaam is---Since 2008 commissioned by the Ministry of agriculture, nature and food quality (LNV) WUR conducts the monitor integral sustainable stables. The monitor shows that on 1 January 2018 in the Netherlands 15.0% of all cattle, pig and poultry houses are integral sustainable",
keywords = "animal housing, stalls, monitoring, animal production, animal welfare, cattle, dairy cattle, poultry, sustainability, huisvesting, dieren, stallen, monitoring, dierlijke productie, dierenwelzijn, rundvee, melkvee, pluimvee, duurzaamheid (sustainability)",
author = "{van der Peet}, G.F.V. and {van der Meer}, R.W. and {Docters van Leeuwen}, H. and {van Wageningen-Lucardie}, S.R.M.",
note = "Project number: BO-43-013.01",
year = "2018",
month = jun,
doi = "10.18174/453521",
language = "Nederlands",
series = "Wageningen Livestock Research rapport",
publisher = "Wageningen Livestock Research",
number = "1114",
address = "Netherlands",