Microbial catabolism-based grouping enables read-across of non-persistency for all constituents of hexyl glucoside and 2-ethylhexyl glucoside

Roy Geerts*, Daan M. van Vliet, Michael van den Born, Caroline M. Plugge, Cornelis G. van Ginkel

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3 Citations (Scopus)


Alkyl polyglucosides are nonionic surfactants consisting of a hydrophobic alkyl chain and a hydrophilic (oligo)saccharide moiety linked through a glucosidic bond. Ready biodegradability of hexyl glucoside (multi-constituent) and 2-ethylhexyl glucoside (multi-constituent) was demonstrated in Closed Bottle tests (OECD 301D) inoculated with river water. Read-across was used to assess the non-persistency for all constituents of the multi-constituent surfactants. To enable catabolism-based grouping bacteria were isolated from river water using hexyl glucoside (multi-constituent), 2-ethylhexyl glucoside (multi-constituent), hexyl-β-maltoside, glucose, and maltose as sole source of carbon and energy. The first step in the biodegradation of all constituents of hexyl glucoside and 2-ethylhexyl glucoside was cleavage of the glucosidic bond resulting in stoichiometric formation of hexanol and 2-ethylhexanol, respectively. Hydrolysis products formed were mineralized by the isolates or excreted and subsequently metabolized by other microorganisms. Complete degradation of alkyl polyglucosides was achieved by a consortium of microorganisms. Read-across of ready biodegradability and herewith non-persistency for all constituents of hexyl glucoside (multi-constituent) and 2-ethylhexyl glucoside (multi-constituent) is justified based on: the broad substrate specificity of glucosidases in the first biodegradation step resulting in stoichiometric formation of alcohols and the subsequent rapid mineralization of the formed hydrolysis products.

Original languageEnglish
Article number105209
JournalInternational Biodeterioration and Biodegradation
Early online date26 Mar 2021
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • Biodegradation
  • Glucosidases
  • Hydrolysis
  • Multi-constituent
  • Non-ionic surfactants
  • Ready biodegradability
  • PRJEB38801


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