MetaNatuurplanner v4.0 - Status A: Toepassing voor Evaluatie Natuurpact

R. Pouwels, G.W.W. Wamelink, M.H.C. van Adrichem, R. Jochem, R.M.A. Wegman, B. de Knegt

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


Wageningen Environmental Research and PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency have developed MNP version 4.0 (Model for Nature Policy; MetaNatuurplanner) to determine the impacts of policy and management activities on biodiversity at the national and regional scale. The model predicts the persistence of species protected under nature policy by assessing the availability of sufficiently large connected areas of good habitat quality in the landscape . It does not assess the actual presence of these species. The model uses correlations between environmental, water and land use parameters and the sustainable conservation of biodiversity, and is used for identifying conflicts, policy evaluation and national and regional scenario studies. Results are aggregated to form indicators for Dutch and European policy. This report describes all the aspects of the model that are needed to obtain the Statutory Research Tasks Unit for Nature & the Environment quality status A for models. MNP will be further developed and validated in the coming years
Original languageDutch
Place of PublicationWageningen
PublisherWOT Natuur & Milieu
Number of pages92
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2017

Publication series

NameWOt-technical report
ISSN (Print)2352-2739

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