title = "Measures to reduce ammonia emissions from livestock manures: now, soon and later",
abstract = "Various possible options to further decrease ammonia emissions from livestock manure were explored in a desk study. Techniques and their impact on the processes leading to NH3 production and volatilization are described. Research priorities are identified.",
keywords = "veehouderij, dierlijke meststoffen, ammoniakemissie, emissiereductie, maatregelen, livestock farming, animal manures, ammonia emission, emission reduction, measures",
author = "C.M. Groenestein and M.C.J. Smits and J.F.M. Huijsmans and O. Oenema",
year = "2011",
language = "English",
series = "Report / Wageningen UR Livestock Research",
publisher = "Wageningen UR Livestock Research",
number = "488",
address = "Netherlands",