title = "Maximising grazing in ruminant production systems: proceedings 6th Meeting EGF Working Group {"}Grazing{"} in Cork",
abstract = "This report presents the main outcomes of the sixth meeting of the EGF Working Group “Grazing” which was held in Cork, Ireland on 17 June 2018. The aim of the Working Group “Grazing” is to exchange knowledge on all aspects of grazing research and to provide a forum for networking. The theme of the meeting in Cork was “Maximising grazing in ruminant production systems”.",
keywords = "animal welfare, animal production, cattle, animal housing, grazing, dierenwelzijn, dierlijke productie, rundvee, huisvesting, dieren, begrazing",
author = "{van den Pol-van Dasselaar}, A. and {de Vliegher}, A. and D. Hennessy and J. Isselstein",
year = "2018",
doi = "10.18174/472030",
language = "English",
series = "Wageningen Livestock Research report",
publisher = "Wageningen Livestock Research",
number = "1140",
address = "Netherlands",