title = "Masterplan for the development of nutrient based dynamic mechanistic response models for pigs and poultry",
abstract = "The masterplan describes the development of new nutrient based dynamic mechanistic response models for pigs and poultry predicting the animal{\textquoteright}s performance, the retention of nutrients in the body and in “end products”, and the output of non-retained nutrients in the environment. The plan has been developed in the framework of the Public Private Partnership Feed4Foodure (F4F) in the Netherlands.",
keywords = "modelleren, dynamische modellen, diervoeding, reacties, prestatieniveau, varkens, pluimvee, voedingsstoffenretentie, vleeskuikens, modeling, dynamic models, animal nutrition, responses, performance, pigs, poultry, nutrient retention, broilers",
author = "A.J.M. Jansman and {van Laar}, H. and A. Veldkamp and W.J.J. Gerrits",
year = "2014",
language = "English",
series = "Report / Wageningen UR Livestock Research",
publisher = "Wageningen UR Livestock Research",
number = "765",
address = "Netherlands",