Mapping the European cancer prevention research landscape: A case for more prevention research funding

Anna Schmutz*, Michele Matta, Manon Cairat, Carolina Espina, Joachim Schüz, Ellen Kampman, Morten Ervik, Paolo Vineis, Olaf Kelm

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Despite the strong evidence of prevention as a prime defence against the disease, the majority of cancer research investment continues to be made in basic science and clinical translational research. Little quantitative data is available to guide decisions on the choice of research priorities or the allocation of research resources. The primary aim of the mapping of the European cancer prevention research landscape presented in this paper is to provide the evidence-base to inform future investments in cancer research. Using bibliometric data to identify funders that are active in prevention research in Europe and in the world, we have identified that 14% of cancer research papers had a focus on prevention research and those were funded by 16% of all the European cancer research funders. An important finding of our study is the lack of research on primary prevention with primary prevention funders accounting for 25% of European cancer prevention funders, meaning that less than 4% of all European cancer research funders identified show an interest in primary prevention. An additional analysis revealed that 7% of European cancer prevention research papers are categorised as implementation projects, meaning that only 1% of all cancer research publications are implementation research in cancer prevention. This paper highlights that the narrow focus on biology and treatment in Europe needs to be widened to include such areas as primary prevention and secondary prevention and a larger concentration on implementation research. These data can help support a more policy-focused cancer research agenda for individual European governments and charitable and philanthropic organisations and stimulate joining efforts across Europe to create a more systematic and structured approach to cancer prevention.

Original languageEnglish
Article number113378
JournalEuropean Journal of Cancer
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2023


  • Cancer prevention research
  • Cancer research
  • European cancer research
  • Investments


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