title = "Managing dairy farming systems for groundwater conservation in the sandy regions of The Netherlands",
keywords = "melkveehouderij, agrarische bedrijfsvoering, proefbedrijven, zandgronden, grondwaterverontreiniging, conservering, bescherming, nederland, grondwaterspiegel, watervoorziening, graslanden, opbrengsten, dairy farming, farm management, pilot farms, sandy soils, groundwater pollution, conservation, protection, netherlands, water table, water supply, grasslands, yields",
author = "H.F.M. Aarts and C. Grashoff and {van Keulen}, H.",
year = "1999",
language = "English",
series = "Report / Agricultural Research Department, Research Institute for Agrobiology and Soil Fertility",
publisher = "AB-DLO",
number = "101",
address = "Netherlands",