Maatschappelijke acceptatie van maatregelen tegen Campylobacter in kippenvlees in Nederland

M.J. Bogaardt, H.H.W.J.M. Sengers

    Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


    This report looks at levels of acceptance among broiler farmers, poultry slaughterhouses and consumers of eleven possible measures by which the infection of poultry meat with Campylobacter could be reduced in the Netherlands. The results of a survey showed that there is little support among broiler farmers and poultry slaughterhouses for additional measures in combating Campylobacter in the chicken meat chain. Broiler farmers and slaughterhouses are not convinced that extra measures would have a positive effect, and they fear that such measures would bring extra expense and sales problems. Consumers are generally not overly concerned with regard to Campylobacter infection.
    Original languageDutch
    Place of PublicationDen Haag
    Number of pages89
    ISBN (Print)9789086150045
    Publication statusPublished - 2005

    Publication series

    NameRapport / LEI : Domein 6, Beleid


    • agricultural policy
    • chicken meat
    • campylobacter
    • sociology
    • acceptability
    • farmers
    • consumers
    • abattoirs
    • infections
    • netherlands

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