Maatregelen ter vermindering van de ammoniakemissie uit de melkveehouderij: indicatieve beoordelingen van vloer- en keldermaatregelen

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


Ammonia emission reducing housing systems are listed in the ‘Regeling ammoniak en veehouderij (Rav)’. Beside these list of around 30 housing systems a divers pallet of additional technical options to further reduce ammonia emission from housing is available. To allocate limited resources for research the ministry of economic affair asked for an assessment and selection of these available additional housing measures. As recommendation for further development toward implementation in practice the following measures are prioritized: • Adjusted slatted floor and the effectiveness on the long term of valves preventing air exchange between pits and rest of the housing. • Optimized scraper and the effect on scraping frequency and the use of other materials • Use of water for dilution and cleaning of the floor.
Original languageDutch
PublisherWageningen UR Livestock Research
Number of pages31
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2016

Publication series

NameLivestock Research rapport
ISSN (Print)1570-8616


  • dairy cattle
  • dairy farming
  • ammonia emission
  • floors
  • cellars
  • animal manures
  • pollution
  • cattle housing
  • farm buildings
  • Programma Stikstof (BO-20-004-022)

    Melse, R. (Project Leader)


    Project: LVVN project

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