title = "Longfunctieveranderingen door blootstelling aan organisch stof en endotoxinen in de Nederlandse mengvoederindustrie.",
keywords = "voer, vermenging, aromatiseren, landbouwchemicali{\"e}n, kunstmeststoffen, kunstmeststoffenindustrie, chemische industrie, productie, longen, ademhalingsziekten, blootstelling, stof, mengvoer, ademhaling, Nederland, feeds, mixing, flavouring, agricultural chemicals, fertilizers, fertilizer industry, chemical industry, production, lungs, respiratory diseases, exposure, dust, compound feeds, respiration, Netherlands",
author = "R. Houba and T. Smid and D.J.J. Heederik",
year = "1989",
language = "Nederlands",
publisher = "Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen",
number = "R-345",
address = "Netherlands",