Long-term effects of climate change on carbon budgets of forests in Europe

Research output: Book/ReportReportAcademic


The EU-funded project Long-term regional effects of climate change on European forests: impact assessment and consequenses for carbon budgets (LTEEF-II, ENV4-CT97-0577) aimed to: i) assess likely responses of European forests to climate change; ii) quantify the fluxes of carbon and water between the vegetation and the atmosphere; iii) assess acclimation mechanisms of forests to climate change; iv) identify optimal regional forest management strategies; and v) to assess the carbon balance of the forest sector in Europe. Several process-based models on forest growth at the stand scale were able to accurately represent both short-term flux data and long-term growth and yield data. However, the models diverged in their assessment of possible effects of climate change. Three approaches were applied to scale up to from the regional to the European scale and to assess the carbon budget of the European forests. Evaluation of different forest management strategies at the European scale was performed using the forest inventory approch. Remaining uncertainties include that currently available forest cover maps from different sources are inconsistent and that the different large scale model diverge in their assessment of the contribution of carbon stocks in trees versus soils and in their assessment of the magnitude of net primary production and heterotroph respiration.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationWageningen
Number of pages290
Publication statusPublished - 2001

Publication series



  • forests
  • climatic change
  • carbon cycle
  • forest management
  • models
  • remote sensing
  • forest inventories
  • carbon
  • stocks
  • evaluation
  • uncertainty
  • europe


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