Live black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens) provisioning is a promising environmental enrichment for pigs as indicated by feed- and enrichment-preference tests

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Live black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) could function as environmental enrichment for pigs as they are edible, odorous, manipulable, and destructible, though the interest of pigs in live BSFL is unestablished. In this study, three trials were performed to assess this interest in order to verify the suitability of live BSFL as enrichment. Eight (Trial 1 & 2) and 16 (Trial 3) pairs of weaned pigs were included. In Trial 1, the relative motivation of pigs to consume live BSFL compared to corn, raisins and feed pellets was evaluated in no-choice and subsequent two-choice preference tests including all (combinations of) feed items. In Trial 2, the feed items in the no-choice and two-choice tests were provided in tubes that had to be rooted or pushed to access the feed items. In this trial BSFL, corn, feed pellets, and empty tubes were compared. In Trial 1 & 2 each day had two 15 min tests occurring six hours apart. In Trial 3 the long-term interest in live BSFL provided in the tubes for a 5-day period was compared to feed pellets provided in tubes, to jute sacks, and to rubber balls attached to chains. Tubes with live BSFL or pellets were refilled every morning. The relative interest was determined through intake of feed items and/or time spent interacting with the items, as measured by 1.5- or 1 min scan sampling. In Trial 3, the time spent on oral manipulation of pen mates was also scored through scan sampling. In all trials the interaction with and consumption of live BSFL was significantly higher compared to the other items, indicating a clear preference for live BSFL, and pigs remained engaged with BSFL as long as they were accessible. In Trial 3, interest in live BSFL decreased on day 5 compared to day 1, interest in jute sacks and feed pellets decreased on day 3 compared to day 1, and interest in rubber balls attached to chains was continuously low. Pigs also spent less time on oral manipulation of pen mates when having access to live BSFL, pellets, or jute sacks, compared to rubber balls attached to chains. Overall, pigs showed high and extended interest in live BSFL, confirming their suitability as edible environmental enrichment. Pigs were willing to work for access to live BSFL by rooting and pushing tubes, which can be employed when providing live BSFL as enrichment commercially.

Original languageEnglish
Article number105481
JournalApplied Animal Behaviour Science
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2021


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