Lionfish (Pterois miles) in the Mediterranean Sea: a review of the available knowledge with an update on the invasion front

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Invasive species often severely impact ecosystems and human activities in the areas that they invade. The lionfishes Pterois miles and P. volitans are regarded as the most successful invasive fishes in marine ecosystems. In the last 40 years, these Indo-Pacific predators have established in the tropical western Atlantic Ocean, with well-documented detrimental effects on the local fish communities. Around 10 years ago, a second invasion began in the Mediterranean Sea, which is being colonised by P. miles. Given the invasive potential of P. miles and the fact that the ecology and biodiversity of the temperate/sub-tropical Mediterranean Sea offer a different setting from the tropical western Atlantic, specific knowledge on this second invasion is needed. Here, we: (i) review the scientific knowledge available on the ecology of invasive lionfishes, (ii) discuss such knowledge in the context of invasion ecology and (iii) suggest future research avenues on the P. miles invasion in the Mediterranean Sea. In addition, we offer an update on the spread of P. miles in the Mediterranean Sea. While the history and development of the Mediterranean invasion are resolved and some mitigation plans have been implemented locally, the study of the interactions of P. miles with Mediterranean species and their impact on the local biodiversity is in its infancy. Closing this gap will lead to important fundamental insights in invasion ecology and will result in predictions on the impact of P. miles on the ecology and ecosystem services of the Mediterranean Sea. Such information will have practical implications for policy-makers aiming to devise sound and efficient mitigation plans.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)233-257
Number of pages25
Publication statusPublished - 25 Apr 2024


  • Citizen science
  • exotic predators
  • invasion ecology
  • marine ecology
  • predation ecology


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