title = "Leaving two thirds out of development: Female headed households and common property resources in the highlands of Tigray, Ethiopia",
keywords = "huishoudens, vrouwelijke arbeidskrachten, vrouwen, man-vrouwrelaties, landbouw, landbouwhuishoudens, landbouwgrond, landgebruik, pachtstelsel, gemeenschappelijke weidegronden, natuurlijke hulpbronnen, ethiopi{\"e}, oost-afrika, strategie{\"e}n voor levensonderhoud, geslacht (gender), households, female labour, women, gender relations, agriculture, agricultural households, agricultural land, land use, tenure systems, common lands, natural resources, ethiopia, east africa, livelihood strategies, gender",
author = "P. Howard and E. Smith",
year = "2006",
language = "English",
series = "LSP working paper",
publisher = "FAO",
number = "40",
address = "Italy",