title = "Landscape-ecological impact of climatic change : proceedings of a European conference, Lunteren, The Netherlands, 3-7 December 1989",
keywords = "klimaatverandering, paleoklimatologie, landschap, landschapsecologie, broeikaseffect, opwarming van de aarde, ecologie, hydrologie, planten, habitats, milieu, landbouwgrond, Europa, gletsjergeologie, ecohydrologie, climatic change, palaeoclimatology, landscape, landscape ecology, greenhouse effect, global warming, ecology, hydrology, plants, habitats, environment, agricultural land, Europe, glacial geology, ecohydrology",
editor = "M.M. Boer and {de Groot}, R.S.",
year = "1990",
language = "English",
isbn = "9789051990232",
publisher = "IOS Press",
address = "Netherlands",