title = "Landscape ecological impact of climatic change on fluvial systems within Europe : Discussion Report Fluvial systems",
keywords = "klimaatverandering, drainage, milieu, Europa, opwarming van de aarde, broeikaseffect, habitats, hydrologie, landschap, landschapsecologie, paleoklimatologie, planten, rivieren, waterlopen, waterbalans, stroomgebieden, waterwegen, hydrologische cyclus, climatic change, drainage, environment, Europe, global warming, greenhouse effect, habitats, hydrology, landscape, landscape ecology, palaeoclimatology, plants, rivers, streams, water balance, watersheds, waterways, hydrological cycle",
editor = "R.H.G. Jongman and M.M. Boer",
note = "Conf. Landscape ecological impact of climatic change, 03-12-1989 / 07-12-1989",
year = "1989",
language = "English",
publisher = "Wageningen Agricultural University",
address = "Netherlands",