title = "Landings and discards on the pulse trawl MFV {"}Vertrouwen{"}TX68 in 2009",
abstract = "The catches in terms of landings and discards were monitored onboard MFV “Vertrouwen” TX68, fishing with two pulse trawls using the Verburg-Holland system during four weeks in June-August 2009. The average fishing speed was about 5 knots. The fishing area of the four trips was east of the coast of England and fishing depth was 36m on average with a minimum depth of 20 m and a maximum depth of 46 m. For this study the standard sampling procedure for the yearly monitoring of discards of conventional beam trawl fleet was applied (van Helmond and van Overzee, 2008). Sampled numbers of fish per haul were raised to numbers and weight per hour, for both. When compared with conventional beam trawls in previous years it seems that with the pulse trawl more sole in number and weights per unit of time was discarded and less plaice was discarded. However, the average discard percentages of as well plaice as sole for the pulse trawl of this study were within range with the average discard percentages of conventional beam trawls in 2005, 2006 and 2007 (van Keeken, 2006; van Helmond and van Overzee, 2007; van Helmond and van Overzee, 2008) . This study gives a general impression of the performance in terms of catches of fishing with a pulse trawl using the Verburg-Holland system. However it is recommended to conduct a comparative study on performance of a beam trawl and a pulse trawl, where the two vessels of similar size fish simultaneously, like was done in 2006 by van Marlen et al. This is to exclude the effects of time and area of fishing.",
keywords = "ecologische verstoring, vangstsamenstelling, bodembiodiversiteit, bodemecologie, pulsvisserij, visvangsten, vismethoden, vergelijkend onderzoek, ecological disturbance, catch composition, soil biodiversity, soil ecology, pulse trawling, fish catches, fishing methods, comparative research",
author = "J. Steenbergen and {van Marlen}, B.",
year = "2009",
language = "English",
series = "Report / IMARES Wageningen UR",
publisher = "IMARES",
number = "C111/09",
address = "Netherlands",