Land use modelling for sustaining multiple functions in the rural countryside with an application in the Achterhoek Region, the Netherlands

C.M. van der Heide, K.P. Overmars, R.A. Jongeneel

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


The rural countryside in Europe has many functions. Although its main function is the production of food and other primary goods, the rural countryside also provides the available space for many human activities, such as settlements, recreation and tourism, and it contributes to human well-being by providing opportunities for cultural, intellectual and spiritual inspiration. Moreover, the rural countryside has the capacity to supply essential ecological processes and services that contribute to the maintenance of a healthy environment, for example by biogeochemical cycling and by providing clean air, water and soil. The term multifunctionality encapsulates the various functions of the rural countryside. Note that although the importance of the different functions vary between localities, regions and countries, all European rural landscapes fulfil multiple functions simultaneously.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationMultifunctional land use: meeting future demands for landscape goods and services
EditorsÜ Mander, K. Helming, H. Wiggering
Place of PublicationBerlin/Heidelberg
ISBN (Print)9783540367628
Publication statusPublished - 2007


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