La regeneration de l'espace sylvo-pastoral au Sahel : une etude de l'effet de mesures de conservation des eaux et des sols au Burkina Faso

F.G. Hien

Research output: Thesisexternal PhD, WU


Sahelian rangelands are subject to degradation caused by physical and human factors. This report presents the results of recent research in Burkina Faso on methods for regenerating such rangelands. It begins with an overview of existing regeneration methods. Quantitative ecological field work conducted at two representative sites to understand the regeneration processes, to determine the sustainability of these processes and to understand reasons for success or failure of regeneration technology is described. Water and nutrient (N,P and K) balances as well as vegetation dynamics were studied for different soil and water conservation technologies. A major conclusion is that degraded and crusted soils can only be regenerated by modifying the water balance. Under improved infiltration, subsequent biological processes appear to be able to transform degraded soils into productive soils. However, an improved availability of water often triggers an immediate shortage of nitrogen. Deep infiltration of water stimulates the growth of trees and shrubs which have a stabilizing effect on the overall regeneration process of Sahelian rangelands.
Original languageFrench
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
Awarding Institution
  • Stroosnijder, L., Promotor
Award date6 Mar 1995
Place of PublicationWageningen
Publication statusPublished - 6 Mar 1995


  • forestry
  • pastures
  • forests
  • agricultural land
  • relationships
  • deforestation
  • afforestation
  • silvopastoral systems
  • woodland grasslands
  • erosion control
  • water conservation
  • soil conservation
  • sustainability
  • natural resources
  • resource utilization
  • protection
  • rehabilitation
  • burkina faso

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