Kennis delen onder leraren: Een onderzoek naar de relaties tussen Occupational Self-Efficacy, Werk bevlogenheid, Human Resource Management en Kennis delen

M. Vermeulen, P.R. Runhaar, J. Konermann, K. Sanders

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

5 Citations (Scopus)


Knowledge sharing is one of the professionalizetion processes and is an important factor in the competition between organizations and for innovation processes to sustain. In this study the central theme is the way knowledge sharing is affected by occupational self-efficacy (OSE), work engagement and High Commitment HRM (HC-HRM). In investigating these relations the AMO framework is used. The research data were obtained by 126 teachers from one secondary school. However from the regression analyses it was learned that the relationship between the variables OSE, HC HRM and work engagement with knowledge sharing was more complex than expected. Additional analyses by means of a three-way interaction analysis suggests that the combination of high experienced HC-HRM and low experienced OSE or the other way around is, related to more knowledge sharing. The findings are important for managers who want to promote processes of knowledge sharing in their school organization.
Original languageDutch
Pages (from-to)397-410
JournalPedagogische Studiën
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2014


  • job resources
  • performance
  • behavior
  • organizations
  • commitment
  • metaanalysis
  • motivation
  • workplace
  • community
  • exchange

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