title = "Irrigation and the environment of the Aral Sea basin : an annotated bibliography",
keywords = "irrigatie, watervoorziening, waterbeheer, watervoorraden, milieu, verontreinigende stoffen, verontreiniging, nadelige gevolgen, vegetatie, milieuafbraak, woestijnvorming, ruimtelijke ordening, landgebruik, zonering, kazachstan, hydrologie, overexploitatie, irrigation, water supply, water management, water resources, environment, pollutants, pollution, adverse effects, vegetation, environmental degradation, desertification, physical planning, land use, zoning, kazakhstan, hydrology, overexploitation",
author = "L.A. Trouw",
year = "1994",
language = "English",
publisher = "ILRI",
address = "Netherlands",